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- Triage for Proposals
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- Director's Review
- BeSSeL Survey (Bar and Spiral Structure Legacy Survey)
- GN20: A Unique Laboratory for Studying Early, Clustered Massive Galaxy Formation
- Grain Growth and Sub-structure in Proto-planetary Disks
- Exotic Explosions, Eruptions, and Disruptions: A New Transient Phase-Space
- Precise Masses of Supermassive Black Holes in Nearby Active Galaxies
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- The Megamaser Comsology Project
- Detecting nHz Gravitational Radiation using a Pulsar Timing Array
- An Unbiased K, Ka, and Q-band Absorption Survey at z = 0.88582 towards B1830-210
- The GBT PRIMOS Project: Searching for our Molecular Origins
- Decadal Survey
- Program White Papers
- ALMA 2010
- EVLA 2010
- GBT 2010
- North America Array
- VLBA 2010
- Responses to Questions from RMS Panel
- Technology Development
- Radio Community & Astro2010
- CFP Panel
- GCT Panel
- PSF Panel
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- Meetings & Colloquia
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- ALMA: An Overview
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- Proposal Preparation (Phase I)
- Proposal Preparation: An Overview
- Observing Tool (OT)
- ALMA Sensitivity Calculator
- Splatalogue
- Simdata
- Observing Preparation (Phase II)
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- Observing Tool (OT)
- Schedules
- Software & Tools
- Software & Tools: An Overview
- ALMA Sensitivity Calculator
- Observing Tool (OT)
- Simdata
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- Visiting the NAASC
- Visiting ALMA
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- ALMA Project Status
- About EVLA
- Early Science
- Open Shared Risk Observing
- Resident Shared Risk Observing
- Commissioning Staff Observing
- VLA-EVLA Transition
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- Observing Proposals
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- Proposer News
- Observational Status Summary
- EVLA/VLBA Time Allocation
- Configurations & Deadlines
- Shared Risk Ka and C-band Observing
- Rapid Response Science
- Large Proposals
- Joint EVLA/VLBA/GBT Proposals
- Observing
- EVLA Observation Preparation Tool (OPT)
- Observational Status Summary
- Band-specific
- Ka-band
- Ka-band Calibration
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- P-band
- 4-band
- Special Modes
- VLBI at the VLA
- Fast Switching
- Mosaicking
- Referenced Pointing
- Schedules
- Software & Tools
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- EVLA Exposure Calculator
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- Radio Frequency Interference
- Calibrator Databases
- VLA Calibrator Manual
- VLA Calibrator Search Tool
- VLA Calibrator Flux Density Database
- VLA/VLBA Polarization Database
- VLA Calibrator List
- Baseline Corrections
- Tip Curve Data
- Data Archive
- NRAO Data Archive System
- Archive Policy
- Where Are Your VLA Data?
- Extragalactic Blank Fields
- Observing Logs
- Financial Support
- Student Support Program
- Student Support Intro
- Student Support Status
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- Scientific Visitor Info
- Visitors Registration Form
- Directions & Maps
- Travel Reimbursement Policy
- Colloquium Schedule
- People
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- Publications
- EVLA Memos
- Presentations
- EVLA Project Status
- eNews
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- Receiver Upgrades
- EVLA Bandpass Stability
- Early EVLA Polarimetric Characterization
- WIDAR Correlator Testing
- VLA 2010
- GB
- About Green Bank
- GBT Camera Development Program
- HelpDesk
- 猫咪加速器app
- Call for Proposals
- Proposer's Guide
- Proposal Submission Tool
- Rapid Response Science
- Large Proposals
- Large Proposal Policy
- Past Proposal Calls
- Observing
- Observing with the GBT
- Sensitivity Calculator
- Spectral Advisor
- Observing Policies
- Remote Observing
- Observer Comments
- Observing Statistics
- Schedules
- GBT Schedule
- Dynamic Scheduling System
- Weather Forecast
- High-frequency Weather Forecast
- Software & Tools
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- Quick Reference
- Guide
- AIPS++
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- Data Archive
- Data Archive System
- Data Archive Policy
- Data Archive
- Pulsar Data Transfer
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- Student Support Program
- Student Support Intro
- Student Support Status
- Travel Support
- Preprint and Page Charges
- Scientific Visitor Info
- Visitor Facilities & Policies
- Visitor & Observer Reservations
- RFI Regulations
- RFI Protection Group
- National Radio Quiet Zone
- People
- Publications
- GBT News eMail
- GBT Pre-prints
- GBT Publications
- GBT Memos
- Other Green Bank Telescopes
- 43 Meter (140 Foot) Telescope
- 45 Foot Telescope
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- 20 Meter Geodetic Telescope
- 40 Foot Telescope
- Historical Telescopes
- About VLBA
- Virtual Tour
- 猫咪加速器app
- VLBA Sensitivity Enhancement
- Sensitivity Upgrade Memos
- HelpDesk
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- 快喵加速器
- Observational Status Summary
- 快喵加速器
- Rapid Response Science
- Large Proposals
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- Joint VLA/VLBA/GBT Proposals
- Additional VLBI Opportunities
- Approved Proposals
- Time Allocation Process
- Proposer Memorandum
- University Classes & Summer Programs
- Observing
- Observation Prep Tool (SCHED)
- Observational Status Summary
- Calibration
- Calibrator Search Tool
- Data Calibration Pipeline
- Polarization Calibration
- 猫咪加速器app
- Pulsar Gate Observers Guide
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- Schedules
- Schedules
- Dynamic Scheduling
- Site Weather
- Software & Tools
- AIPS Cookbook
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- Caltech VLBI programs
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- Data Archive System
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- Source Lists & Surveys
- Calibration & Log Files
- Detailed Performance Data
- Pointing
- Wideband
- System Temperature & Efficiency
- System Monitoring & Auto-released Observations
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- Student Support Intro
- Student Support Status
- Travel Support
- Preprint & Page Charges
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- Scientific Visitor Registration
- 快喵加速器
- People
- NRAO Directory
- Publications
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- Reports & Memos
- About VLBA
- Observing
- HelpDesk
- Calls for Proposals
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- Proposal Evaluation and Time Allocation
- Observing Prep
- Scheduling
- Data Processing
- Data Archives
- Opportunities
- Jobs
- Visitors Program
- Postdoctoral Programs
- Jansky Fellowship
- Student Programs
- Summer Students Program
- Student Support Program
- Introduction
- Financial Support
- Student Support Status
- Travel Support
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- Courses & Training
- Essential Radio Astronomy
- Synthesis Imaging Workshop
- Single Dish Summer School
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- About CASA
- News & Events
- News & Events
- CASA Newsletter
- Download
- Documentation
- CASA Docs
(official documentation) - CASA Guides / Tutorials
- CARTA (Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy)
- Old documentation
- Python Tutorials
- CASA Docs
- Getting Help
- ALMA Helpdesk
- NRAO Helpdesk
- Knowledgebase from Helpdesks
- CASA ticket status
- Mailing Lists
- Acknowledgements
Search CASA
CASA, the Common Astronomy Software Applications
package, is being developed with the primary goal of
supporting the data post-processing needs of the next
generation of radio astronomical telescopes such as ALMA
VLA. The package can process both
interferometric and single dish data.
The CASA infrastructure consists of a set of C++ tools bundled
together under an iPython interface as data
reduction tasks. This structure provides flexibility to
process the data via task interface or as a python
script. In addition to the data reduction tasks, many
post-processing tools are available for even more
flexibility and special purpose reduction needs.
CASA is developed by an
international consortium of scientists based at the
National Radio Astronomical Observatory (NRAO), the
European Southern Observatory (ESO), the National
Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), the Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA),
the CSIRO division for Astronomy and Space Science (CASS), and the
Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy (ASTRON) under
the guidance of NRAO.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation
operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc.